Saturday, August 17, 2013

What IS Sexy?

I'm on social media and the Web quite a bit. And it always surprises me what women think men think is sexy.

Here's a quick tip: the vast majority of you have it wrong!

So I thought that I would put together a list, of sorts, of things that I find sexy. Some are physical attributes (not as many as you'd assume), some are personality traits, and some are manners.

Here we go......

  • Women to are fit and actually HAVE curves. Sexy (See: Marilyn Monroe)
  • TRULY confident women. Sexy (not that fake bullshit that most of you ladies espouse)
  • Gratitude. Sexy
  • A woman who is physically attractive but keeps her business covered up. Sexy (We can go to any strip club in America and see all the naked nasty chicks we want)
  • Intelligence. Sexy
  • Open-mindedness. Sexy
  • Active listening. Very sexy (Most people have no idea what I'm talking about here)
  • Motherhood. Sexy
  • Tattoos. Sexy (When properly placed)
  • Women wearing a man's oxford shirt. Sexy
  • Women who eat something more than salad on occasion. Sexy
  • Manners. Sexy (Ex: saying "thank you" when your man pulls your chair out for you. He's not required to do that shit.)
  • People who aren't afraid to try something new. Sexy
  • Fatherhood. Sexy
  • Yoga pants on the RIGHT body type. Sexy (Put these things on the wrong body type and we have an entirely different discussion)
  • Vulnerability. Sexy

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